Secretary General Cha Tai-chen and Director of VAC’s Overseas Liaison Department Hans Song respectively represented Minister Kao Hua-chu to attend the 2009 national conventions of the American Veterans (AMVETS), Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW)
, and the American Legion during August. Secretary General Cha was accompanied by Rear Admiral Jason Shieh (Ret.), Director of the VAC Tainan County Veterans Service Department, to attend the AMVETS 2009 national convention from August 8-13, 2009. This convention was held in New Orleans
, Louisiana. The AMVETS has been a brotherhood vet organization with the VAC since year 1991. It has shown its close bond with VAC via playing the ROC national anthmn and displaying ROC national flag at its opening ceremony of the annual convention every time
. It has also expressed its brotherhood by passing resolutions in support of ROC government and people.